Contact us online

If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online.
Submit a new request

Ask for your test results

If you’ve had a recent test or examination, you can access your results:

Through the NHS App or over the phone

You can get results for things like:

  • blood tests
  • urine tests
  • x-rays
  • ultrasounds

Ask online

You can use our online form to ask for your results.

Once you’ve done this, we’ll be in touch within 5 working days.

Ask over the phone

Phone the surgery for test results.

See surgery contact details

We can usually only give results over the phone to the patient. The only exceptions are if the patient either:

  • has given permission for someone else to get the results
  • cannot understand the results

This is for privacy reasons.

Alert: Unable to take incoming phone calls

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any incoming phone calls at the moment. Please use online services or walk-in to either of our practices.

Last Updated 17th October 2024